In this article, we will delve into the incredible story of Welles Remy Crowther, also known as the "man with the red bandana." As a volunteer firefighter in New York City, Crowther became a hero and a legend whose courageous and selfless actions inspired thousands.
On September 11, 2001, he saved a dozen people in the South Tower of the World Trade Center at the cost of his own life. Crowther earned his nickname due to the red bandana he wore as a protective mask during his heroic rescue.
Welles Remy Crowther, also known as the man with the red bandana, was one of the many brave individuals who risked their lives to save others during the September 11 attacks in New York City.
When the South Tower of the World Trade Center was hit by the first hijacked plane, he guided a group of people to safety while wearing a red bandana as a protective mask.
He continued to make trips back into the building to save more people until it collapsed. It wasn't until months later that his mother recognized him as the hero with the red bandanna.
The courage and heroism displayed by Welles Crowther on September 11th will forever be remembered. According to Judy Wein, who was rescued by Crowther, "People can live 100 years without the compassion, the means to do what he did."
Currently, Welles Crowther's red bandana is on exhibit at the museum.

Welles Remy Crowther was born in New York City at the Lying-In Hospital on Tuesday, May 17, 1977.
Welles Crowther was known for his admirable qualities from a young age. He was always polite, caring, and showed a strong sense of duty, especially towards his little sister Honor whom he was very protective of. Additionally, he was disciplined and maintained these qualities throughout his life, which his friends and family recognized. As a student, he excelled academically and was a great Division I athlete.
Even in kindergarten, Welles knew that he wanted to become a firefighter, which he pursued by volunteering at the local fire department. He valued the sense of duty and camaraderie that came with the job. At the age of 18, he completed the New York State Pyrotechnics Training Program and became a firefighter.
However, after college, he put aside his dreams of being a firefighter and took a job at Sandler O'Neill, an investment bank located in the World Trade Center.

Welles had a unique personal dress code that wasn't immediately visible to others, even though he may have looked like a typical investment banker. He always kept a red bandana in the back right pocket of his pants and suits, which his father had given him as a child, telling him to always keep it on him in case he needed it.
On September 11, 2001, when the attacks began, Welles had left his job as a stock trader and become a firefighter, displaying exceptional bravery. His final moments remained a mystery for over six months until his body was found on March 19, 2002.

An article in the New York Times, published on May 26th, 2002, describes a mysterious man wearing a red bandana who was present on the 78th floor of the South Tower when the second plane crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11th.
Welles Crowther was likely present at the time, since he was able to make it to the main lobby before the tower collapsed. Witnesses reported that a man suddenly appeared after the crash, wearing a red bandana to cover his nose and mouth. He organized a rescue operation on the upper floors, guiding confused victims to the only open stairwell and carrying a woman to the 61st floor. He made multiple trips to save others, reportedly saving many lives that day.
Welles' mother believed that her son was the "man with the red bandana" based on his character, training, and likely location at the time. Eyewitnesses confirmed that Welles Crowther was indeed the heroic figure who helped save their lives and the lives of others on that fateful day.

"Man In Red Bandana" is a documentary film that was released in 2017 and is based on the heroic story of Welles Remy Crowther, an American hero.
The film depicts Welles' courageous actions on the tragic day of September 11th and explores the different ways in which his family, friends, and strangers were inspired by his bravery and how they paid tribute to him.
The film was written and directed by Matthew Weiss, who was introduced to Welles' incredible story by Jefferson Crowther, Welles' father, during a luncheon. Matthew was deeply moved and decided to share this story with the world. He received the Crowther family's approval and support to create "Man In Red Bandana."
The tale of the man with the red bandanna will be etched in history forever. In the spring of 2014, during the opening ceremony of the National September 11 Memorial Museum, President Obama paid tribute to Welles Crowther, who sacrificed his life to save others. Out of the 2,977 people who died in the attacks, the President chose to mention Welles by name. A copy of the red bandana is now showcased in the museum in honor of Welles.